Invite Your Quoting Team

Below you will find the details to help you get your team into the system to start doing things the easy way.

‘My Team’

Ensure that you have the right people as admins in the system by going to the My Team page.

Here, you can invite people from your company to be part of your team. You can also check this page to see who’s responded to your invitation (“Active”) and who has yet to sign up (“Pending”).

Note: My Team is your internal team who will have access to all of your configurations, RFQs, Orders and customer data.


Features and Benefits

It’s important for each team member to understand why they should use the Boardera platform so that they can use it effectively in their day-to-day tasks. We recommend they watch this quick video on the features and benefits.

If you prefer to have a Boardera-assisted implementation, simply email We are happy to help and recommend this as it will save you time and increase the ability to see success with the product faster.  Your success is our success.